Photographic portrait of Stephen Campbell
Your data tells the stories that can help you take action in relation to your trust and integrity agenda

Stephen Campbell

Partner, Forensic & Integrity Services, Ernst & Young LLP

Data-driven fraud and compliance professional, experienced in the legal sector. Theatre enthusiast. Music aficionado. Urban explorer.

Stephen leads the data science and analytics function within Forensic & Integrity Services, providing services relating to fraud, bribery, corruption, sanctions, digital compliance and monitoring, investigations, claims and disputes, economic crime due diligence and accounting reconciliations.

Using database analytics, data science, machine learning and natural language processing, Stephen helps organisations connect commercial opportunities with their integrity agenda by working with clients and legal counsel to uncover patterns and unethical practices that could lead to litigation or regulatory investigations.

Stephen is an accredited counter-fraud professional with over 20 years’ experience working with data.

Earlier in Stephen’s career, he was a senior principal scientist in computational sciences at a leading pharmaceutical company, where he designed and led their data platform for alerting on emerging opportunities for new and repurposed medicines.

Stephen holds a PhD in Computational Modelling from UCL and University of Leeds. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals.

How is Stephen building a better working world

Using data and technology in ethical ways for measuring integrity is crucial for building trust transparency, which is increasingly critical to the success of organisations.

Developing and encouraging the present and next generation of data technologists is a key motivator for me. Equally, working with the industry and other organisations to take advantage of available technologies is important, helping them continuously adapt and stay relevant.

I make sure everyone I work with feels included and valued in a supportive team. It is vital everyone understands how their work fits into the bigger picture. When we work together well, we become faster at extracting value through data management, bringing vital insights and the evidence to test hypotheses.

As data volumes increase and appetite continues to grow for shaping data into new contexts, our collective efforts play a crucial role in quantifying scenarios, leading to informed action and shaping a better world.

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