Ian Burgess is the Asia Pacific EY Private Tax Leader.
With 30 years of experience working with high-wealth family groups and family-owned enterprises, he helps these clients structure their affairs to accumulate, preserve and pass on wealth to the next generation in an effective manner.
Having advised large retirement funds on all aspects of fund taxation, including structuring domestic and international investments, he also has significant wealth and asset management experience.
He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Business from the University of Southern Queensland.
How Ian is building a better working world
“Family owned enterprises are the backbone of the global economy. They have unique advantages and face unique challenges, because of the overlap of the family and enterprise systems.
These challenges mean that only 30% of all family-owned enterprises survive into the second generation; only 12% will still be viable into the third generation and only three percent of all family enterprises make it to the fourth generation and beyond.
I help families build success for future generations by working with them to develop appropriate plans and structures to facilitate growth and improve family governance and succession outcomes.”