What you need to know about UK reporting fund status

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Alex Seeley

23 Oct 2020 PDF
Categories Tax alert

How can UK reporting fund status benefit UK investors?

The UK’s tax reporting regime for offshore funds, known as UK Reporting Fund Status (UK RFS), can dramatically reduce a UK investor’s tax bill.

UK individuals pay up to 45% on their investment gains if an offshore fund has not registered for UK RFS, reducing to just 20% if it has.

For this reason, UK investors have a very strong preference for funds that have registered for UK RFS. The UK tax authority, HMRC, maintains a public list of registered funds, so investors can screen out non-reporting funds before they invest.

This document introduces the UK RFS regime, explains how we can help you register, and answers many of the common questions that fund managers and investors ask us.

Our team is market-leading in the UK RFS space, and would be delighted to discuss any of this with you in more detail. For funds structured as limited partnerships, separate rules apply, and the document explains how to find out more.

Show resources

  • Download our report - UK Reporting fund status