Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation: Preparing for 2021 and beyond

Local contact

Anthony Kirby

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is the first EU Action Plan for sustainable growth regulation and applies from 10 March 2021.

This technical brochure contains a policy digest that provides key points to understand about SFDR, such as:

  1. Does the SFDR also apply to financial market participants who don’t have environmental or social products?
  2. To what extent do insurance undertakings and IORPs fall under the scope of SFDR?
  3. How should products falling under the scope of SFDR be classified and what are the requirements which apply with regard to their ESG approach?
  4. What are the disclosure requirements at entity and product level?
  5. What are the key regulatory milestones?
EY teams are well placed to serve you with in-depth experience in Sustainable Finance-related engagements and regulatory know-how, paired with long-standing financial services industry and transformation experience.
Patrick Stoess
EY Germany Wealth and Asset Management Consulting Leader

Show resources

  • Download the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) brochure here.