What to look for when considering a managed services provider

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Steve Ingram

27 Apr 2020 PDF
Categories COVID-19

Managed services should be an option in navigating the increased cyber risk profile caused by the new work-from-home (WFH) world.

By week six of shelter-in-place for many companies, most organizations settled into a new type of normal. While social distancing is likely to remain in effect for some time, companies are starting to talk actively about back-to-work plans. In some cases, information security (InfoSec) resources may not return to their previous roles, as they have been reallocated to new priorities, such as monitoring remote workers and videoconferencing. Some functions or projects may continue to be effectively performed remotely, although they were once considered on-site only. As we work through the pandemic, most InfoSec teams will encounter budget cuts, workforce rightsizing, and a backlog of work to manage security events and to meet 2020 goals and regulatory commitments. It is a good time to think about a revised 2020 cybersecurity strategy and road map. Exploring managed services, in the form of an outsourcing or cosourcing model, may be a quick and effective way for you to overcome these hurdles, maintain traction with your 2020 commitments, and provide scalability and workforce flexibility.

Cybersecurity is increasingly diverse and complex, and it is now a critical function to enterprise risk management requiring constant proper due care. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the negative impact of rapid operational disruption. The need to temporarily redirect internal resources, surge in certain areas or obtain specialized resources can make adding an outsourcing partner to your strategy a sound component to your risk management efforts. At minimum, seeking help with critical cybersecurity operational functions, such as cyber threat detection and response or identity and access management, might be the right decision.

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