Composite image: A single tree standing in field of floating cranberries.

Tax Compliance Reminder

We bring to your attention a summary of the monthly compliance obligations for companies doing business in Kazakhstan - "Taxpayer Calendar", March 2023.


Tax reports due

Deadline for submission

Name of report

Tax period

15 March

Excise duty declaration



20 March

Application on import of goods and payment of indirect taxes



20 March

Calculation of current payments for the use of land plots (if a contract for temporary reimbursable land use has been concluded or a license for exploration or extraction of solid minerals has been obtained during the period from 21 February to 28 February 2023)



20 March

Declaration on payment for negative impact on the environment (for operators of I and II categories’ objects with payment volumes up to 100 MCI in the total annual volume upon receipt of a permit document not later than 20 March 2023)



31 March

Statement of corporate income tax from non-resident legal entities withheld at the source of payment


Fourth quarter


31 March

Corporate income tax declaration



31 March

Personal income tax declaration



31 March

Declaration on vehicle tax, land tax and property tax



31 March

Declaration (calculation) on the fulfillment of tax obligations in kind



31 March

Declaration on excess profit tax



31 March

Declaration on payment for reimbursement of historical costs, if the amount of payment equals or less 10,000 MCI



31 March

Declaration on alternative subsoil tax



31 March

Register of lease (use) agreements



31 March

Declaration for taxpayers applying a special tax regime with a fixed deduction



31 March

Declaration for payers of the single land tax



31 March

Declaration on payment for digital mining



Payments Due

Deadline for payment 

Name of payment

Period for which payments are due

20 March

Excise duty, including excise duty on imported goods from the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union countries



20 March

Import VAT on goods (imported to Kazakhstan from the Eurasian Economic Union countries)



20 March

Payment for negative impact on the environment: purchase of the normative by operators of I and II categories’ objects with payment volumes up to 100 MCI in the total annual volume upon receipt of a permit document not later than 20 March 2022)



27 March

Corporate income tax withheld at the source of payment made to residents



27 March

Corporate income tax withheld at the source of payment made to non-residents



27 March

Advance payment of corporate income tax



27 March

Individual income tax withheld at the source of payment



27 March

Individual income tax withheld at the source of payments made to non-resident employees of non-resident legal entities without permanent establishment in the Republic of Kazakhstan



27 March

Pension fund contributions withheld at the source of payment to local employees as well as individuals from civil law contracts



27 March

Social tax for local and foreign employees



27 March

Social contributions to the State fund of social insurance



27 March

Obligatory social medical insurance contributions to the State fund of social medical insurance



27 March

Employees obligatory social medical insurance contributions to the State fund of social medical insurance to local employees as well as individuals from civil law contracts



27 March

Single payment



27 March

Payment for placement of outdoor (visual) advertising



27 March

Payment for the use of radio frequency spectrum


one quarter of estimated annual tax liability for 2023


27 March

Payment for the provision of long distance and/or international telephone and cellular communications


one quarter of estimated annual tax liability for 2023


27 March

Payment for the use of a license for certain types of activity (gambling, storage, and sale of alcohol), obtained in 2022 and/or earlier


one quarter of estimated annual tax liability for 2023


27 March

Payment for the use of land plots: at the expiry of a contract for temporary reimbursable land use or its termination in February 2023


for an actual period of land use in 2023

Other reports due

Kazakhstan legislation stipulates other types of reports (e.g. statistical reports, reports of taxpayers, which are subject to monitoring, etc.) due for filing with the appropriate authorities. There are also other tax payments to the budget with specific payment and filing deadlines. The volume and content of the reports and payment deadlines are determined depending upon the activities performed by an entity.  Please contact EY if you require information on other types of report.