Guidelines on application for approval under S44(11C) of the ITA

Guidelines on application for approval under S44 11C of the ITA

Updated guidelines on the application for approval under Section 44(11C) of the ITA for COVID-19 Relief Funds

The MoF has published on its website the updated guidelines on the application for approval under Section 44(11C) of the ITA for COVID-19 Relief Funds, dated 1 April 2022. The Guidelines are in Bahasa Malaysia and are titled “Garis Panduan Permohonan Untuk Kelulusan Di Bawah Subseksyen 44(11C), Akta Cukai Pendapatan 1967 Bagi Tabung Relif COVID-19” (Guidelines). The updated Guidelines are effective from 1 April 2022 until 31 December 2022.

Similar to the earlier Guidelines, the updated Guidelines provide guidance on the procedure and conditions to obtain the above-mentioned approval for the establishment of COVID-19 Relief Funds. Some of the key updates are outlined below. 

  •  Qualifying contributions to the COVID-19 Relief Fund are now restricted to the following:

-   Cash

-   Equipment (e.g., ventilators, patient beds, air conditioners, air purifiers or filtration equipment)

-   Consumables (e.g., masks, hand sanitizers, gloves, test kits and PPE)

Previously, qualifying contributions also included the following:

-   Fresh or ready-to-eat food (e.g., rice, oil, sauces, sugar, canned food etc.)

-   Services (e.g., cost of disinfection and sanitization (of roads, buildings, markets, places of worship etc.), portable toilets and delivery of supplies)

-   Sponsorships (e.g., provision of permanent or temporary infrastructure such as tents or marquee tents)

  • Qualifying recipients from the COVID-19 Relief Fund are now restricted to the following:

-   Government departments or agencies

-   Non-governmental agencies that are registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia, Registrar of Societies or Legal Affairs Division of the Prime Minister’s Department

-   Government hospitals

-   Government schools

-   Orphanages, old folks’ home or home for people with disabilities

-   Homeless, hardcore poor or refugees

-   Animal shelters or zoos

Previously, qualifying recipients also included the following:

-   Private hospitals

-   Public universities

Applications for the establishment of the COVID-19 Relief Fund must be submitted between 30 April 2020 and 31 December 2022 or the date the pandemic is declared by the WHO to have ended, whichever is earlier. 

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