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Greg Hughes

30 May 2022 PDF
Categories IPO

MENA IPO markets saw 15 IPOs during Q1 2022 raise US$4b in proceeds. This is a 400% increase in the number of IPOs and a 1,242% increase in proceeds compared with Q1 2021.

The MENA IPO Eye report analyzes IPO activities in the MENA region on a quarterly basis. It compares deals and volume to previous quarters, highlights recent developments, and notes key changes to regulations.

In Q1 2022, MENA IPO markets saw 15 IPOs which include Al Nahdi Medical Co, which raised US$1.38b in the Kingdom’s biggest IPO since Saudi Aramco’s listing in 2019. Saudi Arabia's digital security firm, Elm Information Security Company, had the second biggest IPO of the quarter, raising US$819m in proceeds. Along with other IPOS in the region, they raised total proceeds of US$4b. There is an increase of 400% in the number of IPOs and 1,242% in terms of proceeds compared with Q1 2021.

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