Abu Dhabi’s ECA and its partners published 10,000 copies of its Early Intervention Guide in 2022 with an aim to help parents of young children with developmental delays or disabilities. Distributed to local clinics, service providers and government offices, the guide assists parents in navigating the complex landscape of early intervention and support services. It also encourages them to seek professional advice as early as possible when the first concerns are noticed.
In addition to the guide, the ECA has rolled out different pilot programs which include training for parents of children with autism, providing effective strategies for the child at home and explaining which therapies can be beneficial. Another pilot is training pediatricians in developmental surveillance. And there is a pilot in making parents aware of the developmental milestones their child should attain in the early months and years of their life, with the aim of identifying any potential concerns.
Perhaps the most impactful is the developmental monitoring pilot introduced at three hospitals across the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to evaluate a universal surveillance and screening program for children aged up to three. Parents have been encouraged to bring their children in for regular screening and answer a few fundamental questions. The screening has picked up a far higher rate of concerns than would normally be the case — approximately one in six children has been identified to have potential developmental concerns and referred for further assessment.
The pilots diligently approach the problem from all angles and the ECA is exploring the most effective ways for the wider Abu Dhabi government to make a difference before a child reaches the age of five. Collectively, these pilots are designed to detect the challenges a child is facing as early as possible and then provide tailored support.
The EY organization is supporting the ECA team in designing the methodologies and information resources for these pilots, as part of a wider series of mandates assisting the ECA in planning a framework for early childhood intervention.