Empathic leadership and the Great Resignation

Learn why more US workers are leaving their jobs, and how empathy could be your solution to the “Great Resignation”.

While more US workers are leaving their jobs than ever before, employers are faced with the challenge of retaining top talent. The question is how?

EY research reveals that today’s employees want their leaders to be empathetic to both their professional and personal needs. Protecting their well-being is a top priority, and employees are searching for companies that can listen, understand and accommodate. But it’s not just the employees that benefit from empathetic leadership. According to the research, nearly 9 out of 10 (87%) of workers feel that mutual empathy between them and their leaders increases their efficiency. The same number (87%) report it boosts creativity, 86% believe it enhances innovation, and 81% think it increases company revenue.

EY research indicated that one of the key ways for leaders to respond to this crisis is by fostering an empathetic culture that is genuine. Nearly half (46%) of the employees surveyed feel their company’s efforts to be empathetic toward them are dishonest, while two in five (42%) claim their company doesn’t follow through on its promises. Marrying authenticity with action is therefore paramount, especially with the coming generation of Gen Z workers who are even more laser-focused on finding employers that share their values and allow them to be true to themselves at work.

Why is empathy important in leadership?

We need to be compassionate and considerate, encouraging people to take the time, space and flexibility they need to protect their own mental and physical health. And we must lead by example.

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