M&A integration

We have the right people, tools, and experience to help you integrate a target successfully and maximize M&A deal value. We help with standing up the integration management office, synergy identification, operating model design, change management, and functional integration.

Related topics Strategy and Transactions

What EY can do for you

EY integration solutions and key questions we help you answer:

  • Integration management office (IMO)

    • How do we prioritize, sequence and govern cross-functional activities?
    • How can we use the IMO to drive the integration, including operating models, organization design, synergies and (where applicable) transaction service agreement management?
    • How should we develop an integration plan based on your specific goals?
  • Value creation and synergy identification

    • What is the timeline for capturing value?
    • Is a clean team needed to accelerate value capture?
  • Operating model and Day One readiness

    • How will our business run when merged with another company?
    • What is our target-state operating model that will guide integration planning?
    • How will we identify, assess and track critical Day One tasks early on to confirm a smooth transition?
  • Business processes and functional integration (finance, information technology, human resources and supply chain)

    • How do you govern activities and identify milestones within separate yet interdependent business functions?
    • How do you achieve a seamless and efficient transition to a target operating model?
  • Change management and communications

    • How can we avoid a culture clash during a merger?
    • Which key executives and members of management must be retained?
    • How can we align leaders and employees to create a seamless onboarding experience and impactful communications?
  • Sales and marketing effectiveness

    • Are our salesforce incentives aligned with our strategy and customer needs?
    • Are we getting the desired return on investment for our sales and marketing spend, and do we have the right balance by channel?
    • How well do we understand customer priorities, and what are we doing to address them?
    • Is our pricing strategy delivering sustained profitability?

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