Japan Business Services (JBS)

EY's Japan Business Services (JBS) is a global network of more than 450 bilingual professionals (including more than 100 expatriates from Japan) in over 70 major cities around the world, dedicated to supporting the global expansion of Japanese companies through a diverse range of services in the areas of assurance, tax, advisory and transaction.

What EY can do for you

When a Japanese corporation wishes to expand its business into the global market, it must take various measures to adapt to the business environments of the target country, such as Thailand.

Professional knowledge and rigorous preparations using an information network are essential for setting up operations overseas. This includes disclosing financial information in accordance with the accounting standards of Thailand, collecting information regarding taxes and legal regulations and performing comprehensive risk management for the project as a whole.

As a seasoned team of professionals that has for many years provided support to major Japanese corporations for setting up operations in Thailand, EY Japan provides support services to clients seeking to enter the Thai market through our world-class network.

Our wide range of services includes auditing financial statements according to Thai, US and international accounting standards and providing relevant advice, gathering the latest information regarding taxes, investment laws, employment practices and other local conditions in the target countries, providing support for acquiring local corporations and offering subsequent management advice.

In order to provide exceptional client services consistently worldwide, we are committed to the following:

  1. Responsive
    JBS provides timely and relevant information and support to address your needs based on our expertise as a team of specialists in assurance, tax, advisory and transaction worldwide.
  2. Connected
    Our JBS professionals in Japan and overseas collaborate seamlessly as one team, drawing fully on our global EY network to provide you with the services you need.
  3. Insightful
    Our JBS members both in Japan and overseas, who are highly experienced with Japanese business practices, will accurately identify and respond to your needs.

Click here for the Japanese language page.

JBS Network

Our JBS professionals, including expatriates from Japan, are located in the following countries. (Link will take you to Japan site)

Japan Business services

JBS Library

JBS newsletters and reports summarize the latest information on financial accounting and taxation in each country. (Available in Japanese only and link will take you to Japan site)

jbs insights

Contact us
Want to learn more about Japan Business Services? Get in touch.