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Theo Opdam

EY Family Enterprise Award of Excellence Class of 2023, The Netherlands

CEO, Plegt-Vos, The Netherlands

Areas of focus Family enterprise

Plegt-Vos is at the forefront of innovations in construction — it shapes smart, future-oriented solutions for people and organizations.

FE Award 2023 The Netherlands

Plegt-Vos is a construction company that has been active in the housing market in The Netherlands for more than a century. Since its foundation in 1903 by Hendrik Vos, the company has undergone significant developments. Today, the company employs approximately 530 people across branches in Utrecht, Hengelo, Assen and Langeveen.

Plegt-Vos is at the forefront of innovations in construction — it shapes smart, future-oriented solutions for people and organizations. The company was the first in The Netherlands to build a smart homes factory — a robotized factory for the production of thousands of ready-made, sustainable homes and home components each year. 

CEO, Theo Opdam, builds on what previous generations have achieved, but in his own way. He maneuvers the company through a new phase based on intuitive leadership, while maintaining the values and norms of the nearly 120-year-old family business. Sustainability and innovation are of paramount importance and the strength of the company lies in the development, realization, maintenance and sustainability of real estate. Plegt-Vos does this for governments, developers, investors, housing corporations, health care institutions and companies in The Netherlands.

Plegt-Vos is the recipient of the EY Family Enterprise Award of Excellence 2023 for The Netherlands. Theo Opdam is recognized for his drive and his vision. He is interested in people and in giving them direct responsibility so they can realize common goals. Plegt-Vos is a modern family organization in the manufacturing industry that shows how innovation and tradition can go hand in hand.

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