Final and proposed foreign tax credit regulations

In this webcast, panelists discuss the recently released final and proposed foreign tax credit (FTC) regulations

Please join our panelists for an in-depth discussion of the recently released final and proposed foreign tax credit (FTC) regulations.

The final regulations largely adopt proposed regulations issued in 2018 but include several modifications in response to comments received. The final regulations also finalize guidance for accounting for foreign tax redeterminations that relate to prior tax years. The proposed regulations would provide substantive new guidance for matching foreign income taxes to various income groupings, and modified rules for allocating and apportioning various deductions, including from research and experimental activities.


  • Marjorie Rollinson, Deputy Leader – National Tax Department, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Anna Voortman, Partner, International Tax and Transaction Services – National Tax Department, Ernst & Young LLP
  • Martin Milner, Principal, International Tax and Transaction Services – National Tax Department, Ernst & Young LLP


  • Jose Murillo, Director – International Tax and Transaction Services, National Tax Department, Ernst & Young LLP


CPE credits: 1.0

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