EY refers to the Global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can Help
EY's unique global program that recognizes entrepreneurial achievement among individuals and companies that demonstrate vision, leadership and success.
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Both Cameron and Robert really valued their time at EY. Robert had worked in Financial Services for seven years and Cameron had worked in Transaction Advisory Services for over five years. Eventually they knew they were ready to take the leap into entrepreneurship and set out to do it together. When they announced they were leaving, they received a lot of support and advice from those within the EY organization.
“A lot of the partners were quite excited for Rob and I,” Cameron remembers. “Oftentimes they made introductions to people in the healthcare field. Some of them made introductions to bankers, lawyers, and basically asked ‘What do you need to run a “small-and medium-sized company?’”
Robert agrees. “I still run tax questions by the firm. We've kept in contact with quite a few people and I've definitely found, over the years, it's been good to bounce some ideas off some of the people that still work there.”
When setting up their business, Robert and Cameron used their own skills to their advantage. “Me and Cam, we're polar opposites,” Robert says. “Cam's the analytical, detailed person, which makes sense. In his time at EY he was on transactions, and he is really experienced in analytics and it makes our company very strong. I learned a skill set that was more high paced. For me I was always a lot more energetic, doing 20 things at once and moving very quickly.”
Understanding those differences and seeing them as a strength is one of the reasons they have been so successful in creating not only an exciting business, but one that has an inclusive culture and values their people and customers above all else.