Green Skills Passport: sustainability skills and green jobs program

EY Ripples supports the next-gen workforce in gaining sustainability skills and employment in the green economy through free, self-paced online learning.
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What EY and Microsoft can do for you 

Are you looking to learn more about potential career pathways and opportunities, especially on green jobs?​ 

Do you want to develop skills for employment and build confidence to enter or re-enter the workforce? ​ 

Do you prefer an on-demand digital learning course that can be taken at your own pace on a flexible timeline?  

EY and Microsoft have launched the Green Skills Passport, a free, online learning program focused on green jobs and developing skills for the workplace for individuals aged 16 and older.  

Through a 10-hour virtual course (available online and on a mobile device), participants can work at their own pace and learn about key topics such as:  

  • Sustainability 
  • Entrepreneurship 
  • Skills for employment  

Course completion offers several benefits: ​ 

  • Access a database of websites and resources to search for employment across green and other jobs​ 
  • Receive an EY and Microsoft certificate of completion to strengthen your resume​ 
  • Learn about sustainability and entrepreneurship​ 
  • Strengthen your employability skills, like resume writing and preparing for interviews​ 

As part of the EY Ripples vision to positively impact one billion lives by 2030, the EY organization supports the next generation workforce to help prepare young people and underserved groups for the working world of the future. We’re seeking out innovative approaches to teach transferable skills, so that tomorrow’s workers can find and sustain meaningful work amid constant change. Learn more about EY Ripples.

For participants

Sign up and start the free online curriculum today. The program is available in four countries: India, Jordan, Bangladesh and the US.

For non-profits

Find out how your group can get involved in the program.

Listen to The Better Heroes podcast

Learn how you can mitigate the impact of climate catastrophe, global unemployment, food insecurity and social inequity.

image of a light bulb planted in the ground

Featured press release

How to broaden access to future-focused skills

Programs, such as the EY Future Skills Workshops, can make vital knowledge more accessible to all. Learn more.