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Dr. Houng Sun

EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year Class of 2021, Taiwan

Dr. Houng Sun, Chairman and President of MIRLE Group

Areas of focus Entrepreneurship

Automation expert Dr. Houng Sun created factories of the future in Taiwan.

Photographic portrait of Dr. Houng Sun

Dr. Houng Sun

Dr. Houng Sun was a leading engineer at the Industrial Technology Research Institute when he saw an opportunity to transform manufacturing with automation. He was nervous about starting a business, but his supervisor gave him the confidence he needed. So in 1989, Houng established MIRLE Automation Corp. with 108 colleagues. 

In the early days, MIRLE struggled to persuade customers to overhaul their factories because people were suspicious of automation. Gradually, Houng showed manufacturers they could be more profitable and efficient, noting that “automation is not to make people redundant, but to release them to perform higher-level tasks.”

Today, MIRLE is a leading provider of automated warehousing and logistics systems, robotic applications, and solar devices. While the business operates mainly in Taiwan and China, MIRLE has subsidiaries in Thailand, Vietnam and India, as well as sales offices around the world.

Houng is thrilled to have strengthened the technological backbone of his country and has been recognized as one of the Top 10 Outstanding Engineers by the Chinese Institute of Engineers.