How your company can embrace a climate-risk mindset

In this episode, podcast host Chris Hagler meets with Mardi McBrien and Lauren Rogge to discuss good practices for understanding, managing and disclosing climate risk and opportunities.

Podcast host, Chris Hagler, talks with Mardi McBrien, Managing Director of the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB), and Lauren Rogge, from EY’s Climate Change and Sustainability Services, about the growing focus on climate risk, opportunities for companies to embrace a climate-risk mindset, and better alignment with the Task Force on Climate Related Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

For the last several years, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC) has warned that the damage from climate change will happen at 1.5ºC warming, not 2ºC as we had previously understood, and it urges significant action by 2030 to slow the warming.

In addition to concern from the scientific community, investors, regulators and central banks are pressing for companies to better understand, manage and disclose their climate risk and opportunities.

In this podcast, Mardi, Lauren and Chris discuss what companies can and should do when it comes to embracing a climate-risk mindset.

Key takeaways

  • Climate change presents a source of both risk and opportunity to companies in all sectors.
  • Shareholders and stakeholders expect companies to be transparent and to disclose their efforts, successes and challenges.
  • Many companies have made commitments to reduce their environmental impacts and improve their climate risk governance, strategy, risk management and related disclosure. While commitments are a good start, further and bolder action from business is needed. CDSB recommends developing a roadmap that provides a path for your company to achieve the TCFD recommendations. Access the  TCFD Good Practice Handbook, to identify good practices.

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available.


Season 1, Episode 4


0h 18m 49s