One key to successful leadership is a continuous personal change. It’s a reflection of our inner growth and empowerment.

Benediktio Salim

EY Indonesia Assurance Services Partner

Accounting consultant, passionate in the power of leadership to empower inclusiveness and high-performing culture for our people.

Bene has extensive professional experience spanning over 27 years, mostly with companies involved in retail and consumer products.  Throughout his professional journey, he has served major business entities including multinational, private, and state-owned companies.

Bene completed his Accounting studies from Tarumanagara University.  He is a member of Indonesian Institute of certified Public Accountant (IAPI), Indonesian Institute of Accountant (IAI), and both ASEAN and Australian professional associations.  He has participated in US GAAP/ US GAAS/ SEC trainings to reinforce his expertise.

How Benediktio is building a better working world

Bene has continuously helped businesses in various sectors through his expertise on accounting consultations, agreed-upon procedures, compilation reports, financial statement audits, IPO advisory and is IFRS conversant.

Benediktio's latest thinking

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