Socrates once said the secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. That’s why at EY, we are building a better working world - to help you face this fast-changing world.

Daniel Chandra

Partner, Assurance Services, KAP Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja

A passionate auditor in adopting fast-paced changes in business world. Loves to learn new things.

Daniel has an extensive professional experience of more than 18 years in auditing national and multinational companies, as well as private and state-owned entities in Indonesia. He is also a member of EY Indonesia’s capital market transaction group which involves in various domestic and cross border capital market transactions, including Initial Public Offering (IPO), rights issue, and bond issuances. He specializes in consumer products & retail, health sciences and wellness, mobility, and technology.

Daniel completed a bachelor’s degree in Economics at Parahyangan Catholic University. He is a Certified Public Accountant and a member of the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants and Indonesian Institute of Accountants. 

How Daniel is building a better working world

With his expertise in capital market transactions, Daniel has assisted various businesses on their equity or debt offering journey through performance of assurance services and coordination with other capital market institutions, capital market professionals, and regulators. He has also helped businesses in assessing their readiness for IPO.

Aside from his role as Partner and member of the capital market group, he is also actively involved in the development of talent in EY Indonesia by working with universities in Indonesia to provide opportunities for their students for practical learning and skill development with EY.

Daniel's latest thinking

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