Photographic portrait of Andrea Danes
Individuals and families are best served by government programs that put their needs front and center, and design a safety net that truly empowers resiliency.

Andrea Danes

EY Global Human Services Leader

More than 28 years in Human Services. Focused on supporting governments in their use of data and program integration. Passion fueled by lived experience accessing services and role as foster mom.

Areas of focus Innovation Strategy
Office St. Louis, US

Andrea leads the organization’s effort to create unity of voice and vision in the transformation of Human Services programs globally.

Leveraging her career in government and the private sector, she works with government executives to create a strategy for improving the use of data, technology and integrated program administration to more effectively serve individuals and families. Solutions include strategy development, automation of manual and redundant processes, using data for purpose, and more actively supporting the link between community-based organizations and government social programs.

For almost three decades, Andrea has led federal, state and local activities to improve delivery models. She also has direct experience with social services as a child, and in her adult life as a foster mom. This broad perspective allows her to understand the constraints of public programs, while advocating for better delivery and outcomes across individuals and families engaged in support models. 

How Andrea is building a better working world

“In both our US and global markets, I utilize professional and personal experiences to give voice to under-served individuals and families, assisting government and community leaders in developing more effective strategies to deliver social services.

Leveraging transformation of policies, data and analytics, technology, and innovative delivery models, we can better understand and serve individuals experiencing various forms of social crisis, such as child maltreatment, mental health and suicide struggles, homelessness, and many others.

Bringing together the organization’s innovative work across Human Services globally, we are sharing best practices across geographic boundaries, helping government leaders around the world better understand their population needs and how to address them using innovative methods.

Through the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been assisting organizations in communicating with marginalized populations, creating direct connections to available resources and allowing agencies to forecast needs in the coming months. This helps thousands of people receive support to empower resilience.”

Contact Andrea