EY refers to the Global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can Help
EY Long-term value teams can help you shape your strategy, drive transformation and measure progress in providing sustainable value through use of the WEF-IBC’s common metrics. EY leading role in developing the metrics means we’re uniquely placed to advise on their adoption and impact.
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1. Engage with stakeholders
It is vital for MENA executives to understand what ESG is and what it means for their different stakeholders. Private equity investors, for example, while not subject to the same restrictions as an ESG equity fund, may still face pressure from their own investors to require sustainability standards at portfolio companies.
Companies should engage directly with governments, regulators and investors, but also speak internally to employees and survey customers to understand what each group expects from a responsible company.
The above engagement also helps to strategically assess the “material” ESG issues as relevant to an organization from the lens of both internal as well as external stakeholders. Once a company clearly understands its ESG responsibilities with respect to the material ESG issues, a sustainability strategy can increase the value of the business, by making it more appealing to employees, customers and investors.
2. Define specific targets and put numbers on them
Goals should be ambitious but realistic and measurable at the same time. It is also important to have the leadership buy-in for each of the target and companies should consider how these targets will interact with each other.
Take employment as an example. MENA companies may want to adopt a goal for both gender diversity and localization (hiring more national staff). But pursuing one could make the other more difficult, for example, in case there are fewer qualified women in the domestic population for a specific position. A good ESG strategy will acknowledge these limitations, and explain how competing goals can be addressed concurrently, over time.
3. Solve the data problem first
ESG strategies do not need to be published overnight and data collection must come before goal setting.
The worst thing a company can do is publicly set an ambitious goal before benchmarking existing performance. Instead, to understand what is achievable, companies should invest time and money defining relevant sustainability metrics for a given business and identifying how to gather them. This might require companies to perform an audit of practices within their supply chain, creation of sound data templates and capacity enhancement of the data owners in each case.
Stakeholders will reward a well-thought-out ESG plan over a rushed and glossy one.