EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
How EY can Help
Discover how EY's risk transformation team can help Boards and CxOs build agile and risk-aware organizations that make better decisions.
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Build trust everywhere, all the time
The future is uncertain for all consumer-facing companies. Change, and the risks that accompany it, will be gradual and then sudden. Growth opportunities will emerge in the same exponential way — suddenly available, but only to those who are ready to act.
To step forward with the confidence that bold action requires, companies will need greater resilience and agility. They will also need to be more willing to challenge established thinking and see how some areas of risk – like Digital Trust – can suddenly become sources of advantage.
Organizations will be better equipped to grow, whatever the future holds, if they build a risk playbook in which two questions inform every decision:
- How could we make every action or decision an opportunity to build or protect trust?
- What could threaten our trust here?
From organization and business model design, to brand development, to each in-the-moment interaction with every consumer, trust is an asset companies can grow and nurture. For consumer-facing companies entering the future scenarios we’ve modeled, it could well become the most important asset they have.
But Digital Trust is just one of many risks that will evolve as the consumer and the industry changes. Companies need to anticipate and embrace risk. Then they can take advantage of opportunities to grow, while building the resilience and agility that will help them cope with volatility and disruption.