Nature and biodiversity services

Nature is the foundation of our economies and society, but nature loss is creating material risks and opportunities that organizations are working to understand and control. EY teams can help organizations identify and help manage nature-related impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities.

What EY can do for you

At the EY organization, nature and biodiversity services are designed to guide your organization through the complex and evolving landscape of nature, biodiversity and ecosystems. Investing in nature and biodiversity impact services is crucial for companies worldwide as it provides the sustainability of the ecosystems that often underpin their operations and supply chains. By proactively protecting and restoring natural habitats, businesses not only contribute to the planet's health, but may also secure their own long-term resilience and success in the global market. Recognizing the critical importance of preserving the natural resources, EY teams offer you a variety of solutions, including gap assessment against nature-related disclosure frameworks, such as:

  • Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)
  • International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) S1
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) 101
  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) E4

EY teams offer support relating to the impacts, dependencies, risks and opportunities (including the TNFD’s Locate, Evaluate, Assess and Prepare (LEAP) approach), natural capital accounting, nature strategy development and target setting, regulation and compliance, and capacity building, as well as disclosure and assurance.

Today, protecting, preserving and restoring nature is a strategic business advantage. EY teams can help you lead with sustainability at your core. Nature and biodiversity services can help you align with global sustainability standards, enhance your brand and reputation, and help promote long-term resilience with nature-positive approaches.

Engaging with EY nature and biodiversity teams can unlock numerous benefits for your company:

  • Understanding the need to act: Is your business resilient enough? How might it be affected by biodiversity loss? What are your competitors doing in this area?
  • Knowing where your company is today: Identify baseline assessments on the state of nature within your footprint, understand your impacts and dependencies on nature, and identify the associated risks and opportunities.
  • Having a comprehensive strategy: Develop a nature strategy and align it with overarching business objectives, and set science-based, credible, sustainability goals and objectives.
  • Starting a conversation: Engage the right range of stakeholders, including employees, customers, supplier and local communities, in the development of your nature strategy.
  • Developing a roadmap: Create detailed action plans and roadmaps to achieve set targets.
  • Looking forward with confidence: Work with your business to establish robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms to regularly assess the progress of your program against nature targets, incorporate change management and adaptive management practices based on scientific understanding and business context.

EY teams are equipped to support your organization to identify, assess and report nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities, including those associated with reporting frameworks, initiatives and standards, such as TNFD and Science-Based Targets for Nature (SBTN), as well as the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) reporting and CSRD from the EU.

Why EY?

At the EY organization, the nature and biodiversity impact services team stands tall in the market, comprising of a multidisciplinary roster of climate change and sustainability services professionals, including ecologists, biologists, engineers and environmental economists, worldwide. The teams are equipped with leading-edge tools for quantitative analysis, visualization and management of nature-related risks and opportunities that empower EY clients to pinpoint and appraise the environmental impacts, risks, and prospects specific to their organizations. The EY organization has also been involved in developing key nature-related initiatives, such as the TNFD and the International Advisory Panel on Biodiversity Credits (IAPB) from their inception.

EY teams offer sophisticated analytical capabilities that delve into the nature impacts and dependencies woven throughout your value chain, facilitating engagement with the vast array of stakeholders. Moreover, EY teams can assist in the creation of a double materiality assessment, highly integrating your nature-related risks, impacts and opportunities into a detailed assessment framework. EY teams employ market-leading geospatial and remote sensing technologies to identify a biodiversity baseline, assess the current state of nature, and monitor shifts in ecological conditions, supporting your identification and oversight projects.

This blend of capabilities and technology positions EY teams to provide detailed and innovative solutions that help empower your business to thrive sustainably in harmony with the natural world.

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