EY Health Economics and Outcomes Research hub

The EY Health Economics and Outcomes Research hub provides powerful insights within a wide range of market access disciplines.

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Market access and health economics with the EY Health Economics and Outcomes Research (HEOR) hub

Market access preparations form the basis for the successful positioning and launch of new drugs. Successful market access is crucial to optimize commercial potential. Among other things, it is about ensuring that patients who will benefit from the treatment have the opportunity to be treated. There will often be a trade-off between which patient groups can access the treatment and receive reimbursement and what the price of the medicine should be. It is therefore important to develop evidence that can demonstrate the value of the product while meeting the requirements of authorities and payers.

Fact-based evidence plays an increasingly important role in the health care sector. Decision-makers require solid evidence that medicines and medical devices are cost-effective and hence offer the best value for the money — either in the form of direct savings or increased quality of life. Patients' opinions are also relevant in decision-making.

The EY HEOR hub offers a wide range of disciplines that support market access for medicine and medical devices. We help clients prepare market access strategies and plans, develop evidence and document, analyze and demonstrate how they create value for patients and society.

Why the EY HEOR hub?

The EY HEOR hub can support companies seeking to bolster their market access strategies. As Denmark's foremost health economic resource outside academia, EY HEOR hub is proficient across various market access disciplines, with a track record of meeting regulatory requirements across the Nordics and other European countries. Our authorization to conduct register-based analyses using the resources of Statistics Denmark and the Danish Health Data Authority ensures comprehensive, data-driven, hyphenate real-world evidence insights.

See more by joining the Market Access on LinkedIn for Denmark here.