How the future of health care is becoming a reality

9 minute read 22 Jun 2021
By Pamela Spence

EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader and Life Sciences Industry Leader

Ambassador for outcomes-based performance and healthy aging. Advocate for women.

Local contact

Nordic Client Executive, Health Sciences and Wellness, EY Sweden

Nordic Health Sciences and Wellness Client executive, Coach, Health tech geek, work reimagined pioneer. Father, skier, and music enthusiast

9 minute read 22 Jun 2021

Human-centric care will soon become a reality, driven by data and technology.

The future of health care is becoming a reality. A reality where data and technology drive not just new kinds of care, but care that is better. Care that is more human.

The future is within touching distance. But is your organization ready?

Empowering care teams and patients to better manage and prevent disease will require not just products, but new services that will rely heavily on data and technologies.

In order to succeed in this new environment, organizations must adapt their operating models to meet stakeholders’ demands for convenient, customized and connected care solutions.

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Local contact

Erik Ansari Brantås
Nordic Client Executive, Health Sciences and Wellness, EY Sweden
Local Perspective IconA local perspective

What does the health experience of the future look like?

There is an ongoing transformation within health that is driven by new technologies, new expectations from citizens, demographic shifts, and cost pressures. To reinvent healthcare, achieve better health experiences and better health outcomes we need to put the human at the center and collaborate in a true ecosystem to define the future. So how will the future look like? The video above shows some examples of the transformation that healthcare is going through and how the experience for citizens could look like in the future.

The key question right now is how we can work with innovation and designing the future health experience while at the same handling a very constrained current situation and optimize today? There is no alternative than to work with both.

Local contact

Erik Ansari Brantås
Nordic Client Executive, Health Sciences and Wellness, EY Sweden


Leaders in this new world of health care will invest in new skills that make them hyperconnected and human centered. They will transform how they do business to be more collaborative and to access and use other’s data to change what and how care is delivered.

About this article

By Pamela Spence

EY Global Health Sciences and Wellness Industry Leader and Life Sciences Industry Leader

Ambassador for outcomes-based performance and healthy aging. Advocate for women.

Local contact

Nordic Client Executive, Health Sciences and Wellness, EY Sweden

Nordic Health Sciences and Wellness Client executive, Coach, Health tech geek, work reimagined pioneer. Father, skier, and music enthusiast