EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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EY corporate finance consultants combine deep financial and capital markets experience with advanced decision support capabilities and analytics to help the CFO drive sustainable value for all stakeholders.
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OX2, a leading European renewables developer, has completed the sale of a 20 MW onshore wind farm in Poland to Enea Nowa Energia.
The onshore wind farm, with a capacity of c. 20 MW, consists of 6 turbines and will produce c. 65GWh, corresponding to the annual electricity consumption of 20,000 households.
Construction will start in September 2023 and is scheduled to be completed in the 2nd half of 2025. Once commissioned, OX2 will be responsible for the technical and commercial management of the project, optimizing the production and supervising its operations.
EY Corporate Finance acted as the exclusive M&A advisor for OX2 in the transaction and ran a highly competitive international auction process. In addition, EY Corporate Finance supported OX2 with Debt Advisory and PPA Advisory services. The transaction highlights EY’s capabilities in providing first class integrated corporate finance and other transaction advisory services in highly competitive transactions with a cross-border team.
More information can be found on OX2's press release.
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