Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh

Fusionex Corp Sdn Bhd

Dato’ Seri Ivan Teh founded Fusionex with the vision of solving the most complex problems faced by businesses through the development and innovation of more “humanised” and intuitive software and technology.

At incorporation, Fusionex did not possess any track record, brand presence or funding. Nevertheless, Dato’ Seri Ivan persevered, almost exhausting his personal savings to fund the start-up, knocked on doors and focused on providing business value through Fusionex’s products.

Today, Fusionex is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is one of the largest and most successful ASEAN-originating software companies in the region. Fusionex also enjoys global recognition, winning many awards and accolades. In 2012, it won the prestigious Microsoft Global Business Intelligence Partner of the Year award, beating more than 3,000 companies across 142 countries; an award that no other Malaysian or ASEAN ICT player had ever won.

A strong advocate of not resting on one’s laurels and passionately driven to make a positive difference, Ivan recently launched Fusionex’s Big Data solution, aptly named GIANT - an all-encompassing solution with the level of comprehensiveness that is the first ever to be developed by an Asian company. 

Dato’ Seri Ivan was recently invited to be part of Malaysia’s Big Data Analytics Advisory Task Force, to assist the Malaysian Government in developing its National Big Data Analytics Framework.

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