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How EY can Help
EY combines deep technical skills across a breadth of business issues to deliver value-led sustainability. Explore our sustainability and ESG services.
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Board support is crucial
Board support is key to elevating and enabling the CSO’s role for it to succeed. The board and CSO should support each other in helping the organization put ESG at the heart of how it creates and protects value for stakeholders. With this in mind, boards should reflect on several key questions:
- Have you appointed a CSO to the C-suite? How is the CSO strategically positioned to help realize the opportunities of ESG and reduce its risks?
- What governance is in place to reflect the importance of the ESG agenda and CSO’s role? For example, have you assigned ESG oversight to a specific committee or shared it across committees?
- What are the timelines and the organization’s transition plan toward net zero? And what are the implications for building transition goals into executive remuneration plans?
- Is your ESG reporting designed to merely meet regulatory expectations? How can you better align your CSO, finance function, and risk and audit committees to measure impacts with leading external frameworks, underpinned by better disclosure processes and controls?
- Are you confident of the veracity of ESG information collected and reported by your organization?
In essence, the CSO and board must support each other in three ways: elevating the CSO role, prioritizing the ESG agenda and driving robust processes for disclosing data. Only then can the organization successfully make the transition to value-led sustainability, turning ESG into both a business and a moral imperative.