Photographic portrait of Janja Skamlič

Janja Skamlič

EY Slovenia, Partner, Forensic and Integrity services

"In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity." - Sun Tzu

Areas of focus Forensics Cybersecurity
Office Ljubljana, SI

Janja has nearly 20 years of experience in internal and external audit, most notably in the field of forensic investigations and the detection and prevention of abuse in companies. Since 2004, the department headed by Janja in Slovenia has been conducting various forensic investigations of economic crime, special audits in accordance with Article 318 of the Companies Act (ZGD-1), with the aim of understanding possible damages liability and possible suspicion of criminal offenses or performing other forensic procedures.

In the past, Janja has worked with various legal experts to resolve litigation in clarifying individual cases. She has led forensic investigations of economic crime, both in Slovenia and abroad, especially in the countries of the Balkan region.

Janja is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (Austin, Texas) and holds the title of Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) by the same Association.

How Janja is building a better working world

Janja is building a better working world in the area of ​​business compliance and integrity,  where she was primarily involved in projects of establishing a framework of compliance and business integrity, performing risk assessments of abuse in companies, establishing appropriate internal controls that prevent risk abuse, and as an expert participated in projects of implementation of automated fraud detection systems in companies.

Contact Janja