Press release

EY announces new Country Managing Partner, Nqaba Mkwananzi to lead EY Zimbabwe from 1 July 2023.

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Harare, 15 May 2023 – After an extensive soundings process, EY Africa is proud to announce  that Nqaba Mkwananzi will succeed Walter Mupanguri as the next Country Managing Partner of Zimbabwe with effect from July 1, 2023. 

Successions at EY always follow an extensive process to identify and interview candidates to ensure the organisation has the best person for the role and this was no exception. The EY Africa executive and leadership team are pleased that Nqaba leads the Zimbabwe practice as he will provide good continuity to our business, has experience with our leadership team and is a dynamic, adaptable and resilient leader with a passion for driving growth across our practice in Zimbabwe.

Nqaba joined EY in 1996 and has worked across our business in many different roles. He transferred from Audit to the Consulting business in 2011 and has been responsible for the Consulting practice of EY Zimbabwe since 2012.

He also leads our Zimbabwe Markets function and has over 15 years of experience in Consulting across Governance, Risk and Control helping clients across a wide range of industries including Banking, Insurance, Mining, Manufacturing and Telecommunications. He is a Chartered Accountant (Zimbabwe) and holds an MPhil in Corporate Strategy from the University of Pretoria. 

Nqaba is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ) and the Institute of Directors Zimbabwe (IODZ).

EY Africa CEO Ajen Sita had this to say: “I’d like to congratulate Nqaba and welcome him to the EY Africa executive leadership team in full faith that he will lead the Zimbabwean pactice successfully. I would also use this opportunity to thank Walter Mupanguri who has decided to step down as Country Leader to focus on his client portfolio. Walter has demonstrated tremendous leadership of our practice in Zimbabwe as well as the leadership role he played of the previous Central Cluster. Walter has always been a constructive contributor to our Africa Leadership team and has led the business through some complex issues – be they financial, talent or risk related – and has done a great job through some of the toughest economic hardships in living memory. Walter will remain in our firm and focus on client service.” 

Nqaba Mkwananzi: “Being appointed as the CMP for EY Zimbabwe is a humbling moment. It’s an incredible feeling to know that I will have the opportunity to lead the company and make a positive impact on the lives of our employees and clients. I am grateful for this opportunity and look forward to the coming weeks as we reach out to our clients and the broader market.”


For more information, please contact Samantha Rech at EY Brand, Marketing and Communications  on 082 493 6335

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