Entrepreneurship – to be bold, but also a gambler
Now production takes place using 14 robots and over 20 manipulators, enabling better working conditions because, as Vera emphasises, the health and safety of the employees is paramount. They will not stop at this number and they plan to increase the number of robots by three to five each year.
“My husband is farsighted by nature. He has no problem in finding something new and buying it. He never thinks he is wasting money with such purchases,” explains Vera. Anton also encourages employees to innovate: “Searching for innovations leads to creative shortcuts which really improve our processes. The biggest challenge is to simplify things.”
To be bold, to be different, and to dare are the guidelines that took Tehnos forward. The extraordinary way in which they presented the advantages of their mulcher at a trade fair also contributed to their breakthrough in foreign markets. They put a glass of champagne on the machine, which vibrates due to its high rate of rotation. The reaction of buyers to the quiet operation of the machine was immediate: “It’s not enough that the technical properties of a machine are good, even if you are good at explaining them. You actually never know if the customers are really listening to you. You have to be different,” says the Director. “From that moment on, a glass on the mulcher is always part of our presentation at trade fairs.”
Anton replies to the question as to why the company needs to adapt constantly: “Because it’s too good to stay this way forever.” He compares entrepreneurship with alpinism – both have risks, without which there can be no success. Despite appearances to the contrary, he takes entrepreneurship very seriously: “You are responsible for everything that is right, but also for everything that is wrong. You don’t have problems when things are right, but you definitely do when something goes wrong. There is no safe area – it’s all responsibility.”