In the Transformative Age, companies are being called to balance competing priorities; ensure they maintain compliance and keep up with the rapid technological advancements, while also adding value. We can assist you with these critical issues in today's tax environment.

Stephanos Mitsios

EY Greece Partner, Tax Services - Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Passionate to deliver and solve. History buff.

Stephanos is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at EY in Greece, as well as a Tax Partner, with more than 35 years of experience within the firm. Previously, Stephanos served as Head of Tax Services at EY Greece, from 2009 until 30 June 2024.

He is a qualified Certified Accountant. He has studied Accounting, Finance, Business Administration and Law and has completed the Kellogg Executive Program at Northwestern University, Illinois. In addition, he has attended numerous seminars and conferences on technical, business, leadership, and strategic topics.

He is a member of the Taxation Committees of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV), the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, the French-Greek Chamber of Commerce and the Accounting and Taxation Chairman of the Association of S.A. and Entrepreneurship.

Stephanos has extensive experience in M&A structuring, corporate and individual taxation, as well as tax planning and strategy.

His work covers a variety of sectors, including consumer products, telecommunications, energy & utilities, real estate, financial services, shipping, and pharmaceuticals.

He frequently contributes articles on tax policy and strategy, including on digital taxation. He regularly participates in conferences and workshops as a keynote speaker on his area of expertise.

When not helping clients face their biggest challenges, Stephanos enjoys reading and researching history.

How Stephanos is building a better working world

With a professional experience spanning three decades, Stephanos guides both domestic and international businesses through the Transformative Age, with expert advice and the disruptive power of digital technology, helping them maximize potential and create value in an increasingly complex tax system.

Stephanos's latest thinking

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