EY ifb Digital customer relationship management services

EY ifb can help organizations to significantly enhance their customers‘ experience through their digital customer relationship management (CRM) offering. Digital transformation offers a new and accelerated way of working, and with greater potential to shape and maintain long-term customer relationships.
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What EY can do for you

Most organizations grapple with better ways to increase customer satisfaction and improve the customer experience, while growing their businesses. Adapting products and services to their customers’ needs and offering tangible added value through personalized products and services is an ongoing challenge.

Today, competitive advantage comes through building trust. In an era when customers’ preferences and experiences change frequently, organizations must create customer-centric business models to become the trusted businesses that customers remain loyal to.

To do this successfully, organizations must first contend with the following:

  • How can we increase customer satisfaction and improve the client experience?
  • How do we increase our sales and profitability?
  • How do we avoid churn and increasing customer disloyalty?
  • How do we achieve a comprehensive 360° view of our customers?
  • How can we continuously adapt our product and service offerings to the needs of our customers and offer real added value through individual, needs-based products and services?

EY ifb can help you answer these questions through their digital customer relationship management (CRM) model.

Greater customer segmentation optimizes growth

EY ifb understands how to help businesses do this by segmenting your customers and developing optimal products and services for each customer segment.

Communication across the right channels to build relationships

We create greater trust by communicating with your customers frequently and directly through suitable channels. As a result, we help you to build stronger relationships, while avoiding customer churn.

Meaningful insights to help you stay ahead of the curve

Through intelligent data management, we gain insight into the needs and requirements of your customers, meaning you can continuously improve your products and services at every opportunity, providing greater value.

EY ifb has more than 30 years’ experience of customer relationship management. Our predefined products and services for Digital CRM are rooted in data science, data management and data models. These resources make it easy to launch a new project, while our infrastructure and models provide a sandbox and prototypes for clients. We can also deliver pilot projects that will provide the basis for a business case, measuring their success against control groups.

The deep knowledge of the financial services industry means that years of experience in this area make us a successful collaborator for businesses hoping to improve their customer relationships over the long-term through needs-based communication, services and products.

Digital Customer Relationship Management (DCRM)

Read further trends, insights, and figures on digital transformation in the financial industry.

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