Photographic portrait of Andrew Behan
Successfully navigating today’s complex financial reporting landscape is not an isolated task. It is a collaborative journey, which requires clarity and strategic vision. I am committed to supporting my clients every step of the way.

Andrew Behan

EY Ireland Assurance Executive Director

Financial reporting specialist. Broad cross-sectoral experience. Proud father of three.

Andrew is an executive director in our Financial Accounting Advisory Services (FAAS) team. He focuses on advising clients on complex accounting and financial reporting issues.

Andrew has detailed knowledge of Irish GAAP, IFRS and US GAAP. He has industry experience across many sectors including agribusiness, industrial products, life sciences, technology, and power and utilities.

Andrew has significant experience in delivering accounting support engagements, such as GAAP conversion projects for non-audit clients. He also has  experience in provision of services to clients undertaking significant capital markets transactions.

He supports clients in relation to a diverse range of complex accounting issues including acquisition, disposals, financial instruments and revenue recognition.

He also regularly develop and presents training courses, internally and for clients, on developments in financial reporting.

Before joining FAAS he worked in external audit.

How is Andrew building a better working world

“I help clients by combining insight into complex accounting issues with a practical solution-oriented outlook, informed by an appreciation of the interdependencies of financial reporting with other priorities. I help to build a better working world by identifying commercially significant accounting value drivers and maximising the impact of these insights through the delivery of timely advice.”

Contact Andrew