Press release
29 Jan 2020  | Tokyo, JP

EY Japan launches proprietary AI-enabled service in the HR/Organizational Consulting Domain

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  • Jargon Explorer For TYping (JEFTY) is a proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) program developed by EY Japan People Advisory Services (PAS). The system enables the rapid analysis of qualitative personnel data and provides insight where manpower alone would fail.
  • EY PAS aims to increase the utilization of AI in the design of HR systems, from understanding the organization to system simulation

EY Japan PAS hereby announces the launching of services coupled with its in-house, proprietary AI system, Jargon Explorer For TYping (JEFTY), which analyzes the operational status of various HR functions such as recruiting and performance appraisal interviews. This new AI tool facilitates the HR and organizational consulting practice of EY professionals.

JEFTY applies natural language processing technologies to the automatic extraction and analysis of expressions from qualitative personnel information presented in evaluation comments, and can be tailored to focus on specific aspects such as sentiment or complexity. In our proof of concept (PoC) studies, JEFTY needed just minutes to analyze thousands of comments and indicate a bias in the writers' evaluations. JEFTY enables the convenient and rapid analysis of qualitative HR data, particularly in comparison to conventional visual assessments: a company with 10,000 employees would devote 800 man-hours to the cumbersome task even if it were to spend only 5 minutes per response.

EY PAS will utilize AI to build groundbreaking next-generation consulting service models that are more innovative and effective than ever before. While organizational diagnoses dominate the project timelines of traditional approaches to consulting, the rapid and accurate assessments offered by JEFTY act not only as keystones that enable EY professionals to focus on more sophisticated client services, but also constitute a new method of incorporating scientific approaches into the design of HR systems.

Shinichiro Uzawa, EY Japan People Advisory Services Leader, commented:
"We are living in the era of digital technology, where the market for HR/Organizational consulting services is also changing rapidly. In this fast-paced environment, EY is committed to offering high-value consulting services by developing breakthrough solutions using state-of-the-art technologies. Delivering the highest value to clients is an extremely critical component of endeavors to fulfill evolving clients' needs by utilizing the respective strengths of AI and human capabilities such as JEFTY to the fullest extent, rather than relying solely on technology."

Hisashide Yoshida, Senior Manager, JEFTY development lead and a winner of the METI-sponsored Award for Excellence in the Integrated Management Service Division of the third HR Technology Awards commented:
"The evolution of the overall HR function requires the evolution of the technology we use for our systems: not just the systems we use for information, but also the systems we use for HR. JEFTY allows companies to design scientific, agile, and evidence-based HR systems, and has unlocked the key to the evolution of HR functions by realizing the best teaming of AI and human beings in the PAS domain. But our use of the system does not stop there; EY aims to use this AI solution as a key driver--the axle connecting Information Systems and HR Systems--to bring HR functions to the next stage in their evolution."

Employee evaluation systems is the first area in which JEFTY will be applied in the PAS domain. EY is undergoing preparations for the next phase, where we will examine the system's usability in other domains that deal with linguistic information (including that found in recruiting, employee satisfaction surveys, talent management, and talent development) to verify further potential applications of JEFTY as an HR consulting AI system.

JEFTY is an abbreviation of Jargon Explorer For TYping, a proprietary natural language processing AI tool developed by EY Japan's People Advisory Services (PAS). JEFTY parses text data (TYping) and automatically extracts words or expressions (Jargon) that have important meaning in light of specified purposes or intentions, and performs comparative analyses against information contained in HR systems. It parses tangible and intangible knowledge from EY PAS through machine learning and deep learning algorithms (both supervised) and improves output quality. The name is derived from the word Jehuty(Djehuti), the ancient Egyptian god of language.

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EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In doing so, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit
This news release has been issued by EYGM Limited, a member of the global EY organization that also does not provide any services to clients.  

About EY Advisory & Consulting Co., Ltd.
EY Advisory & Consulting Co., Ltd. is an EY member firm in Japan. Collaborating with EY professionals of diverse expertise from around the world, we provide comprehensive advisory services optimized to meet our clients' business challenges using an innovative, global perspective and a commitment and capability to deliver, go to


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