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Another important lesson, cited by 21% of respondents, is that internal audit can help business continuity by providing support to first- and second-line activities during a crisis. Internal audit professionals have a broad knowledge of the business and a deep understanding of risk, which has equipped them with the knowledge and skills to support the first- and second-line in times of need and showcase the value of internal audit to the organization.
Emerging and escalating risks
Our research found that internal audit functions have a more thorough understanding of the emerging and escalating risks that their organizations face compared with the previous survey. When we asked respondents to share their top risk areas, employee health and wellbeing came first, cited by 76% of respondents. The physical return to work also ranked highly, with 72% of respondents stating this as a top emerging risk. Other highly rated risk areas were supply chain and global trade (50%), technology and information security (47%), and liquidity and working capital (44%).
Significantly, there was a 33% increase in respondents citing fraud as one of the top emerging or escalating risk areas of their business, compared with the previous survey. Potential causes for the emergence of fraud as a key risk area may be controls and processes being changed to accommodate the remote-working environment, segregation-of-duties conflicts resulting from a reduced workforce or increased incentive to commit fraud due to the economic environment.
Since the last survey, there has been a 10% increase in respondents reporting an increase in frequency of interactions with their audit committees. This shows that internal audit functions and audit committees understand the need to communicate more frequently in a rapidly changing risk landscape. The top three priorities for audit committees in this survey were consistent with the prior survey, with reprioritizing the audit plan to cover emerging risks (57%) as the top priority, followed by cyber risk (46%) and heightened risk to internal control over financial reporting (40%).