Case law on the claim for industrial building allowance (IBA) and increased export allowance (IEA)
In Ketua Pengarah Dalam Negeri v Classic Japan (M) Sdn Bhd (2022) MSTC 30-476, the Court of Appeal (CoA) overturned part of the decision of the High Court (HC). The CoA concurred with the HC’s position that the taxpayer was entitled to claim IBA as the taxpayer’s factory qualifies as an industrial building under Paragraph 63 of Schedule 3 of the Income Tax Act 1967 (ITA). The CoA however disagreed with the HC’s position that the taxpayer was entitled to claim IEA, as the taxpayer was not directly “engaged in agriculture” per Rule 3 of the Income Tax (Allowance for Increased Export) Rules 1999 (1999 Rules)1. The CoA also disagreed with the HC’s position that the Director General of Inland Revenue (DGIR) had no legal or factual basis to impose penalties under Section 113(2) of the ITA, as the taxpayer had indeed provided incorrect information and failed to declare its income correctly.
An overview of the case and discussion of the issues are set out below.
The taxpayer is a Malaysian-incorporated company which is in the business of collecting, processing and shipping cut fresh flowers for export to Japan. The taxpayer has been involved in this business since 2006.
The taxpayer purchases fresh flowers from contract growers in Cameron Highlands. In 2006, the taxpayer also built a factory, where processing works (e.g., inspecting, trimming, grading, bunching, cutting, hydrating, packaging etc.) are carried out to ensure the flowers are preserved and meet the necessary standard and quality.
The increased value of the taxpayer’s export of fresh flowers and capital expenditure incurred for the construction of the factory are as follows: