Remission of tax and stamp duty [P.U.(A) 35/2022]
The Loans Guarantee (Bodies Corporate) (Remission of Tax and Stamp Duty) Order 2022 [P.U.(A) 35] was gazetted on 22 February 2022. The Order provides that any tax payable under the ITA and any stamp duty payable under the Stamp Act 1949 in relation to the following shall be remitted in full:
(a) The general facility agreement made or to be made between Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional and CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad; and
(b) The guarantee given or to be given by the Government of Malaysia to CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad
in relation to the refinancing of Term Financing-i of up to RM3 billion.