The Income Tax (Industrial Building Allowance) (Tun Razak Exchange Marquee Status Company) Rules 2013 [P.U.(A) 27/2013] provide that a commercial building constructed or purchased by a Tun Razak Exchange Marquee (TRXM) status company in the TRX shall be treated as an “industrial building” (IB) and thus qualify for IBA, where:
(a) The company owns the commercial building, and
(b) The commercial building is used by the company for the purpose of a business as specified in the Schedule of the Rules
The Rules provide for an annual allowance of 10% on the qualifying building expenditure (QBE).
Following the above, the Income Tax (Industrial Building Allowance) (Tun Razak Exchange Marquee Status Company) (Amendment) Rules 2021 [P.U.(A) 473] were gazetted. The Amendment Rules:
(a) Clarify that:
- The Rules shall apply in respect of QBE incurred by a TRXM status company for the purpose of its business, as specified in the Schedule, for an IB referred to in Rule 5 (previously Rule 3) of the Rules
- The definition of “disposed of” includes a situation where the commercial building ceases to be used for the purposes prescribed in Rule 5 (previously Rule 3) of the Rules
(b) Clarify that in computing IBA in a situation where only part of the building is used as an IB, the capital expenditure incurred for the construction or purchase (previously, construction only) of the part of the building that is not used as an IB will need to be taken into account
(c) Extend the incentive and provide that the Rules will not apply to QBE incurred after 31 December 2025 (previously 31 December 2020)
The Amendment Rules are deemed to be effective from YA 2014 (similar to P.U.(A) 27/2013).