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Updated guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme (SVDP) 2.0
In Budget 2023, it was announced that the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) would be launching new SVDPs. Following this, the IRB published the Operational Guidelines No. 2/2023 – SVDP 2.0 and the FAQs to outline the details for SVDP 2.0 (see Tax Alert No. 9/2023and Take 5: Reintroduction of Voluntary Disclosure Programmes, Malaysia). The Programme is effective from 6 June 2023 to 31 May 2024.
On 25 August 2023, the IRB announced on its website that the Operational Guidelines No. 2/2023 – SVDP 2.0 and the FAQs have been updated. One key change, as set out in Paragraph 5.10(a) of the Operational Guidelines, is that:
Audit/investigation action can be taken on transfer pricing (TP) issues if the voluntary disclosure is made on non-TP issues only.
Audit/investigation action can be taken on issues other than TP if the voluntary disclosure is made on TP issues only.
Previously, it was indicated that an audit/investigation would be carried out only if the tax payment on the voluntary disclosure was not made within the stipulated time period.
Please refer to Appendix 3 of this Alert to see the changes made to the FAQs.
Appendix 3 – Updates on the FAQs for SVDP 2.0
A. Introduction/purpose
Does SVDP 2.0 apply to voluntary disclosure made on incorrect tax rates?
Tax rate amendment is not part of the income/expenses that can be reported/claimed in SVDP 2.0. The scope of SVDP 2.0 covers:
a. Declaration of undeclared/under-declared income, overclaimed/disallowed expenses/ claims, overclaimed relief/deductions/ rebates and overclaimed capital allowances/ incentives;
b. Declaration of asset disposal; and
c. Stamping of documents/agreements that are not stamped within the stipulated time.
B. Category of taxpayers
What does “new taxpayer” mean?
The new taxpayers referred to under SVDP 2.0 are as follows:
a. Taxpayers who have yet to obtain or have obtained Tax Identification Number (TIN);
b. Taxpayers who do not have any tax transaction in IRB’s records (taxpayers are deemed to have tax transactions if an estimated assessment has been raised/has made a Monthly Tax Deduction (MTD) in which taxpayer is regarded to have opted not to submit ITRF and the MTD is regarded as final tax; and/or
c. Taxpayers who have declared income to the IRB for the first time.
E. Voluntary disclosure procedure
Will IRB issue a SVDP 2.0 letter based on the voluntary disclosure made for ITRF/Real Property Gains Tax Return Form (RPGTRF) via e-Filing?
IRB will issue a Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme 2.0 Letter to taxpayers who meet the eligibility requirements of SVDP 2.0.
For taxpayers who have submitted a voluntary disclosure through ITRF/RPGTRF via e-Filing and meet the eligibility requirements, taxpayers can contact the nearest State IRB/Special Branch to obtain the Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme 2.0 Letter.
How does a tax agent submit voluntary disclosure for taxpayer?
Voluntary disclosures should be made through the following methods:
a. For new taxpayers:
Tax agent must submit ITRF through the Tax Agent e-Filing (TAeF) System.
b. For existing taxpayers:
i. Have not submitted ITRF/RPGTRF.
Tax agent must submit ITRF through the TAeF System.
ii. Has submitted ITRF but there is undeclared income.
Tax agent needs to log in to MyTax Portal to submit the SVDP 2.0 Additional Income Reporting Form and tax computation by using individual ID and choose Tax Agent Category.
Tax agent needs to enter the taxpayer's information by ensuring that the taxpayer's information is accurate and then upload the SVDP 2.0 Additional Income Reporting Form and tax computation. The tax computation should only be submitted by taxpayer with company, business and partnership file category.
Can tax agent submit voluntary disclosure through the MyTax Portal in bulk?
Voluntary disclosure made through the MyTax Portal cannot be submitted in bulk and must be made individually for each taxpayer’s voluntary disclosure.
If I have made voluntary disclosure under this SVDP 2.0, will I be subject to audit/investigation action?
Audit/investigation action will not be carried out in the future for the YA in which the voluntary disclosure is made.
However, audit / investigation action can be taken for the year of assessment involved for the following circumstances:
a. If voluntary disclosure is made on non-TP issues only and it is found that there is a risk on TP issues, audit/investigation action can be taken on the TP issues and if voluntary disclosure is made on TP issues only, audit and investigation can be taken on issues other than TP.
b. Tax payment on the voluntary disclosure has been failed to be made within the stipulated time period.
I. Transfer Pricing
If the surcharge offered under this SVDP 2.0 is 0%, what does it mean by the statement “Any TP adjustment arising from the voluntary disclosure under SVDP 2.0 can be subjected to a surcharge under subsection 140A(3C) of the ITA, even if no additional assessment is raised”? as stated in paragraph 5.5.6 of Operational Guidelines No. 2/2023.
The paragraph means voluntary disclosures will be accepted for TP issues involving upward TP adjustments regardless whether it resulted in assessment or not.
For applications involving downward TP adjustments, only taxpayers engaged in domestic controlled transactions and have a positive net tax effect are eligible to make voluntary disclosure on condition that both parties make voluntary disclosure on TP.
Who is eligible for the benefits offered under the SVDP 2.0 that involve TP issues?
Taxpayers who carry out controlled transactions with related companies are eligible for voluntary disclosure for TP issues except:
i. For taxpayers who carry out domestic controlled transactions; and
ii. Any adjustments made under the current TP Guidelines will not alter the amount of tax payable or incurred by both parties.
In accordance with the response to question 40, does this mean that if there is no change to the overall tax position, IRB will not accept the participation in SVDP2.0 for such cases?
If there is no change to the net impact of the tax position, both parties are not eligible under the SVDP 2.0. The example is as follows:
Co. A (RM)
Co. B (RM)
Profit from business
(+) Additional TP adjustment (SVDP 2.0)
Adjusted income
(-) Capital allowance
Aggregate statutory income from business
Tax rate
Tax impact
Net tax impact
Is a taxpayer eligible to participate in SVDP 2.0 if one of the related companies benefits from a tax incentive or has carried forward losses, and the TP adjustment would result in a change in the overall tax position?
If one of the related parties in that transaction have tax incentives/losses carried forward or huge unabsorbed capital allowance:
i. Those with only domestic controlled transactions; and
ii. TP adjustment will result in positive net tax impact
will be eligible for the SVDP 2.0.
For example, the TP adjustment has resulted to an additional tax assessment of RM200,000 for Co. A and reduced tax assessment of RM150,000 for Co. B. In this situation, both Co.
A and Co. B are eligible for SVDP since there is positive net tax impact of RM50,000 from the voluntary disclosure.
Illustrative example is as follows:
Co. A (RM)
Co. B (RM)
Tax rate
Tax payable
Net tax impact
However, if the TP adjustment results in an additional assessment of RM70,000 for Co. A and reduced assessment amounting to RM100,000, both Co. A and Co. B are not eligible since the net tax impact of RM30,000 is negative. The illustration is as follows:
Co. A (RM)
Co. B (RM
Tax rate
Tax payable
Net tax impact
Taxpayers have made voluntary declarations for the TP issue for the assessment years 2020 and 2021. Will there be no audit/investigation action taken against the taxpayers for the YAs involved?
Audit/investigation will not be carried out on the YA in which the voluntary disclosure is made pertaining to TP issues.
However, an audit/investigation can still be conducted for any non-TP issues for that YA.