A photographic portrait of Herwig Raubal
I’m passionate about harnessing the power of data to help our clients deliver better services and outcomes to their customers.

Herwig Raubal

EY New Zealand Associate Partner

Experienced Executive Leader. Passionate about improving social outcomes for New Zealanders. Enjoy travelling to out of the way places.

Lead the Health and Human Services practice with NZ actuarial. Provide actuarial and financial services to insurers.

Was Chief Risk and Actuarial Officer for 10 years at a large Government agency, and Chief Actuary of various insurers prior to that.

Qualified Actuary. Holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from MacQuarie University in Sydney.

How Herwig is building a better working world

I bring imagination to the use of data to understand social outcomes for New Zealanders and support Government agencies to make operational and policy decisions to improve those outcomes.

I provide executive advice to insurers to help them improve services to customers and overall orgnisational performance.

Contact Herwig