Applying AI in oil and gas

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) goes beyond “better” or “faster” processes. It has the potential to unlock efficiencies across the oil and gas value chain. From initial exploration activities all the way through to the end user, it is inspiring new ways to approaching exploration, development, production, transportation, refining and sales.

With AI’s potential to augment or even replace some human competencies, freeing up humans for more creative, value-added activities, it’s no surprise that a recent EY survey showed more than 92% of oil and gas companies are either currently investing in AI or plan to in the next two years.

And, it’s already beginning to have an impact: 50% of oil and gas executives say they have already begun using AI to help solve challenges at their organizations.

EY’s AI in oil and gas series will explore how to harness that power. We’ll discuss everything from stemming the brain drain and how to create efficiencies to how to prepare your organizational culture for AI.

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Applying AI in oil and gas

Artificial intelligence has the potential to unlock efficiencies across the oil and gas value chain. Explore how to harness that power.

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