Technology leaders’ agenda

To strategically transform, chief information officers (CIOs) and tech leaders need to deliver tech at speed, innovate at scale and put humans at the center.

EY named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide AI Services 2023

In the report, IDC considers EY's strategies around offerings, platform-based delivery, client adoption, sales enablement, alliances, growth, innovation and R&D, technology skills, and employee retention as key strengths.


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The pressure is on technology leaders – chief information officers (CIOs), chief technology officers (CTOs) and chief data officers – to strategically enable their organizations’ ambitions and quickly bring their transformation visions to life. Successful leaders already know data is the currency of the digital age. They are now bringing a data-centric approach to every decision, innovation and experience. They’re investing in next-generation analytics and AI to unlock more of data’s value for all stakeholders. Here are six actions to focus on:

  • Embed data centricity and adopt next-gen analytics

    Very few organizations are truly data-centric, but many are working to get there by shifting resources to fill their gaps in data in analytics. “A data-centric organization uses data as a shared asset to create intelligence and insights for its customers and stakeholders, and to continuously improve its operating model as well as products and services,” says Beatriz Sanz Saiz, EY Global Consulting Data and Analytics Leader. To drive data centricity, explore use cases aligning to corporate strategy to improve visibility, and reduce risks while creating value in the process. Architect and build a technology foundation to address shortfalls resulting from the sheer volume of data and steep integration requirements.

    Seven strategic pillars of a leading business data fabric

    Data fabric can unlock insights from across the data-driven enterprise.

    1 Nov 2021

  • Invest in the four foundational technologies — cloud, data & analytics, AI & ML and IoT

    Cloud, data and analytics, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) together constitute the foundation for a successful digital transformation. Select the right technology stack – based on sector priorities and near- and long-term strategic objectives – to meet transformation needs. Then identify the right use cases for technology investments in skills and tools to support transformation vision.

    Are digital twins key to more personal, equitable and efficient care?

    Learn how smart, analytics-driven insights can mean better outcomes for all.

    25 Feb 2022 Aloha McBride

  • Change as fast as your consumers

    Preferences are changing fast and enterprises are having to adapt to volatile shifts in consumer demand. Investing in the right data analytics and technologies to better understand customers’ needs is critical, but companies also need to shift their mindset to succeed. Commit to innovation and new product development to improve customer centricity and build consumer trust by establishing governance measures for the ethical deployment of technology.

    How can you create a growth strategy where everyone wins?

    Today’s growth-at-all-costs model is broken. It’s time to redefine growth that delivers value for everyone.

    12 Apr 2022 Laurence Buchanan

    Future Consumer Index: People are reconnecting with their deeper values

    Consumers are looking to simplify their lives, says the EY Future Consumer Index. Reaching them will be more complex for brands now. Learn more.

    17 Mar 2022 Kristina Rogers

    How insurers can transform by adopting public cloud

    European insurers have bold ambitions to expand and accelerate their use of the public cloud to achieve increased operational agility.

    22 Feb 2021 André Kohler

  • Nurture ecosystem partnerships to accelerate and maximize value

    Ecosystems play a critical role in accelerating transformation and maximizing value. When aligned to an organization’s specific needs, they allow access to a wide portfolio of technology tools and relevant talent to support transformation. Choose the right ecosystem business model to reduce risk and improve the value of interactions with participants.

    How building your tech ecosystem fuels innovation and growth opportunities

    CIOs are making these considerations to create alliances with a subset of strategic suppliers.

    8 Oct 2021 Greg Sarafin

  • Make strategic moves in the race for talent

    Tech-enabled transformation can be delayed by talent and culture struggles. Develop the visibility to understand current and future skills gaps and use “build, buy and borrow” talent interventions accordingly. To support this approach, implement a holistic digital talent strategy to upskill, retain existing staff and attract necessary talent. Be proactive with change management and adopt new employee experiences to address technology-related changes. 

    In the talent race, leaders also seek to add diversity to their workforces. The EY Women in Technology program supports girls and women to enter, remain, thrive and lead in the world of technology. By nurturing and supporting women as leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators, companies can accelerate the pace of change, improving the lives of individuals and communities through better economic opportunities.

  • Manage risk and maintain trust among stakeholders

    Advanced technologies introduce new demands on security, in addition to those of existing infrastructure. Deploying in a cloud environment raises new concerns of business interruption and valuable data protection. If customers and business partners don’t trust your technology, they simply won’t use it. Maintain resiliency and visibility with your stakeholders by adopting a risk-optimization mindset across your technology portfolio.

    How Internal Audit is helping organizations build trust

    As new technologies emerge, Internal Audit functions must stay ahead of disruption and maintain trust within their organization.

    22 Aug 2019 Esi Akinosho

    What is intelligence without trust?

    We explore five key areas that can help business leaders build trust, even as AI continues to transform businesses.

    11 Apr 2019 Nigel Duffy

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