2025 Japan inbound tax reform webcast

EY Japan Tax will host a webcast on 25 February to provide our inbound clients with an overview of the 2025 Japan tax reform so you can assess the relevance for your businesses.
Related topics

In December 2024, the Japanese Government issued its tax reform proposals for 2025. If confirmed in the Diet in Spring 2025, these measures would generally take effect as of 1 April 2025. The proposals reflect the Japanese government’s economic strategy, such as to encourage the increase in capital investment in Japan and to increase taxation to bolster defense spend. There are important changes for example to implement additional rules in Japan related to BEPS Pillar 2, changes on taxation of leases and company reorganizations rules.

We at EY Japan Tax would like to provide our inbound clients with an overview of these measures so you can assess the relevance for your businesses. We will also provide other related updates on the Japanese tax environment. For this, we are pleased to invite you to join our EY 2025 Japan inbound tax reform webcast. 

Within our agenda we will include the following:

  • Changes to corporate income taxes including:
    • tax incentives
    • taxation of leases 
    • corporate restructuring
    • additional corporation tax 
  • Changes related to international tax matters, such as the introduction of further Pillar 2 rules (specifically Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR) and Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT))
  • Individual tax update

The webcast will be held in English. We aim to leave time for a Q&A discussion at the end of the seminar.

We look forward to your attendance at this webcast.

Date and Time: Tuesday, 25 February 2025, 13:30-14:30 (Japan standard time)
Cost: Free
Language: English

EY Japan Tax

  • Karl Gruendel, Partner, Inbound Tax Services Leader, Transfer Pricing

EY Japan Tax

  • Balazs Nagy, Associate Partner, International Corporate Tax Advisory
  • Tomoko Okada, Associate Partner, Global Compliance & Reporting
  • Mark Brandon, Associate Partner, International Corporate Tax Advisory
  • Milinda Dharmadasa, Director, People Advisory Services

Webcast / Webinar registration
* We only accept company email addresses for registration.
* This webcast/webinar is not intended for industry insiders or attendees from consulting firms, etc.
* Please note that the agenda and speakers may be subject to change.
* Troubleshooting resources relating to webcast/webinar attendance can be found here.

Ernst & Young Tax Co. Brand, Marketing and Communications


Available on-demand until 24 February 2026


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