She combines this role with auditing major ICT companies and serving as an internal council member of EY ShinNihon LLC.
Her career spans 25 years, engaging in audits and assurance advisory services for multinational companies mainly in the technology sector. In 2012, she became the first Japanese secondee to EY Global IFRS Services in London and worked for 3 years.
She is knowledgeable about IFRS and writes numerous books and articles. She is a sought-after guest speaker and a guest lecturer at Hitotsubashi University on the overseas program.
She is a Japan-qualified CPA and a graduate from Hitotsubashi University.
Building a better working world
“In a time of ever-faster disruption, I’ve been mostly serving clients in the technology sector, which is particularly quick to rise and fall. I’ve learned that an ability to respond quickly and react strategically to new issues and needs, which are driven by disruptive change, leads to a virtuous cycle that creates more new and high-quality services.
As a professional services organization which contributes to building a better working world, it is important to extend this EY virtuous cycle — identify problems and provide solutions — across the organization and strengthen the collaboration between our service lines. I am working to foster a system and a structure that help enable each professional to accumulate knowledge and experience in their specialty, as well as generate innovation by promoting connections between EY people with diverse talents and values.”