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As the post-pandemic era emerges, and many of the conventional wisdom around our mortality and the ones of our loved ones have changed, there is evidence that customer perception around protection has changed. Governments, policy makers, businesses and individuals have realized the real impacts of the gap in terms of businesses losses, healthcare costs and the lack of life insurance coverage. There is a generational opportunity and alignment to fundamentally change the trajectory with the application of digital, data and AI capabilities, which weren’t available even two or three years ago.
Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) through the Financial Services Blueprint released in January 2022 and the recently released exposure draft for issuing Digital Insurance and Takaful Operator (DITO) licenses, has made it a policy priority to rapidly address the protection gap for Malaysians using digital technologies. This is line with observations such as that from the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM), which is calling for the target penetration rate to be increased to 70-75%, an improvement from our long-standing threshold in the mid-50% range.
The objective is to evolve new business models to deliver inclusive insurance protection with a competitive and efficient eco-system to Malaysians. The DITO players are expected to develop new digital value propositions which will adopt new business models such as embedded insurance and emerging risk sharing models such as peer-to-peer and new B2B and B2B2C digital distribution models. Indeed, the BNM blueprint advocates the use of data analytics, telematics and other digital tools to provide improved risk assessment, underwriting, claims processes, and develop personalized products with stronger cybersecurity measures.