Businesses who are thriving in times of disruption are those who recognize the importance of building supply chain resilience.

Jocelyn Hallum

EY-Parthenon Global Supply Chain Transformation, Planning and PLM Transformation Solution Leader

Experienced in delivering global transformation. Drives innovation. Focused on client value. Passionate about diversity and equality. Avid traveler looking to explore new countries and cultures.

Jocelyn has a career spanning 25 years in supply chain transformation across industry and consulting, working with global leaders in fast-moving consumer goods (FCMG) and life sciences.

She has been with the EY-Parthenon organization for 13 years and currently leads the Planning and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solution. In this role, she is at the forefront of innovation, driving thinking on capability, technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to bring the latest, greatest and next-gen capabilities to EY-Parthenon clients.

Jocelyn also leads the EY-Parthenon Supply Chain Intelligence Platform (SCIP) for Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) — partnering cloud technology with EY-Parthenon's most powerful analytics, optimization and AI tools to underpin our transformation programs.

How Jocelyn is building a better working world

Jocelyn is passionate about driving diversity and inclusiveness into our DNA. She has set up a network within the EY-Parthenon supply chain team aiming to inspire women through powerful examples of female leadership outside of the organization. Through this network, she is also sponsoring focus on developing and supporting the next generation of female supply chain leaders at EY-Parthenon.

Contact Jocelyn