Businesswoman with digital tablet looking at car in showroom

How automotive dealers and manufacturers shift from physical to digital

In this episode, our speakers share insights into the shift the automotive dealership and original equipment manufacturers have had to make to engage a new digital native customer.

The COVID-19 pandemic became an opportunity to fast track the digitization of the automotive sector. Manufacturers and dealers have had to shift their way of operating to encompass the new digital native consumer and a “digical” – digital and physical – way by which automotive cars are purchased by consumers.

Key takeaways:

  • Dealership model changes: a shift to online customer purchase behavior accelerated due to COVID-19; customers can interact and receive an online experience for purchase of both new and used cars.
  • Collaboration for OEM (original equipment manufacturers) and dealers; a fast evolution of the end-to-end transaction has shifted online, including payments, and deliver.
  • Future forecasting: what kind of purchase models are consumers likely to encounter in the new digitized dealership world and how will they receive the best service?

For your convenience, full text transcript of this podcast is also available.

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Episode 07


0h 11m 50s