EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.
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The health care sector continues to navigate a complex landscape of challenges and opportunities. Our clinical professionals and leaders have identified they are exhausted and bruised after surviving the pandemic, working long hours, and concerned to be working within outdated care delivery models.
In this webcast, hosted and moderated by Jenny Parker, EY leaders and a guest panel of industry specialists discuss:
- Strategies to reshape these challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation
- Insights from the latest global research featured in the EY Voices in Health Care Study
- How digital technology can empower the healthcare workforce
- The critical issue of supporting clinician mental health and wellbeing
EY speakers include:
- Jenny Parker, EY Regional Health Sciences and Wellness Leader and Health Advisory Leader, Oceania
- Tracy Beaton, Director, People Consulting, Ernst & Young Australia
- Laura Christiaens, Director, Business Consulting, Ernst & Young, Australia
- Dr Sarah Ogilvie, Director, People Consulting, Ernst & Young, Australia
External industry specialist speakers include:
- Silvia Alberti, COO, Baptcare
- Dr. Megge Beacroft, AMA WA Councillor
- Mark Nevin, an independent consultant